A little bit of history.....
It all came about at a football tournament in Skelmersdale 3 years ago, thanks to a few football inspired T-Shirts that caught the eye of a footballing obsessed 9 year girl....….. So began a fun project, to make a footballing obsessed young lady, some personalised football inspired clothing and Northern made was born with a focus on delivering high quality, personalised apparel and accessories to its customers. Describing our first years in business would be like comparing it to one of those wooden roller coasters, where you find yourself thrown in all directions along the way. Football, Pets and Workouts all feature heavily in our catalogue, and who knows what thwe future will hold. It’s been a real learning curve in what we love to do, what we can do and how we can continue to grow and improve to bring our ideas to life in the real world. Northern Made simply want to keep bringing new ideas to the market, support other small businesses in building brands, and continue to promote and use sustainable, organic and ethically sourced materials.